Ukrainian folk songs

Ukrainian folk songs

What foreigners know about Ukraine? This is country with big potential , low economical level, rich folk, harmonious songs, hot dances and ancient lyric poem. Ukrainian folk songs admire for melodiousness, tenderness, fill up soul with violent emotions regrdness of genre. Neverthless somebody doesn’t know language and doesn’t understand context heart in chest answers on joyful, light lyrical trembling.

Ukrainians’ soul in sincere lines

There isn’t any events from life or mode of life which wasn’t described in amazing text about Ukraine. Our people sang about everything what saw, heard and felt: embroidered towel , the sun, stars, flowers, animals and mallows. The war against enemies, bride and bridegroom’s worries before wedding, harvest, serf ’s distresses; every life’s event is described uniquely , in own way ,although very often we can find similar motives.

Especially love compels purple symbol of stateОсобливу любов golder rose , it is reminded in many popular songs. The most known among them is “ Oh in the meadow red golder rose”, in fact is author song which was written by Stephan Charnetsky. The poet wrote it for play –description of famous hetman’s life (historical call ruler of Ukraine) but words and music were so likable for people that became real authem for sichowi striltsi ( kind of Ukrainian soligers in beginning of XIX century ) and enrich treasure house of national cultural inheritance.

It doesn’t matter what ordinary people sang, all kinds of folk song sound in descendants’ hearts abroad during the centuries. Although in soviet period carols, or shedrivky and another customary song ect.; sounded more rarely from the reason religious prohibition. Nowadays popular customary song sound nearly in every house .

Folk song in accomplishment of famous Ukrainians

Forced emigrants and dispersed over the world diaspora value the most creative folk work. The descends of courage Cossaks preserve and cherish every the least memory about Ukraine. The prominent example of it is famous American singer of Ukrainian origin - Kvitka Cisyk who sang author and folk songs in modern adaptation. In her repertory were great composition such as «The song about towel», «Oh moon doesn’t shine», «Oh poem, my poem», etc.

The popular in soviet period «Marenychi» interpreted ancessor’s creative folk work in own way.Succesful guitar accompaniment completed magic of ancient texts about love. Their accomplishment of song « Why you didn’t come» included in list of the most well-known, modern adaptations.

The star of Serbian-Ukrainian Mila Yovovich also like folk song about love. The tender voice of Hollywood star sounds lyrically in Ukrainian songs . Melodical, Ukrainian song used in lulabys song which sang slave and later sultan Suleyman’ wife Roksolana Hurem in serial «Majestic century».

It isn’t impossible famous opera singer Dmytro Hnatuka , his singing is so magnetic in composition about love «Nigh is so moonlit ». «Naighbour’s house is white», «Sheep, my sheep» became classic, untypical opera accomplishment of composition of folk music art.

Among modern singers who sing Ukrainian folk, song, its necessary to excel Olexandr Ponomarev, Nina and Tonya Matvienko, Oksana Bilozir, Maria Burmaka, ILLARIA, the bands Pikardijska Tertcia and MAD HEADS. They make popular words and music of our nation, spread love for cultural inheritance among youth generation. p>

Classification Ukrainian songs from Cossaks time till nowadays

How appears real Ukrainian folk? In the beginning words and music sound from one author’s heart , later catch them tens and hundreds lips. The melody is being changed, the words are being varied and origins of compositions about mother, love, pain, heroic deeds are loosing in historic past. To leave only joy, sad melody, sincere, truthful filled with ordinary people’s spirits.

Rich Ukrainian imagination created a lot of great songs for adults and children. There are many kinds of Ukrainian folk songs, mentioned below the most popular between them.

  • According period of history and extension: serf, tchomatski cossatski, recruiting, emigrant, about riflemen etc.
  • Customary: for engagement, weadding, for havest and vesnianky. Also in this group are included kupalski songs, shedrivky and carols.
  • Domestic: villager’s hard life, exasted duties in landlord, god-father and god- mothers, matchmarkers, joyful and lullabies songs.
  • Lyric, happy and unhappy love.
  • Heroic deeds of folk: hetmans, leaders of rebelions, opryshky.
  • For geographical spread: popular lemkivski songs, nadnipranski, galitski, poliski etc.

It is difficult to find in known collections of songs XVIII – beginning of XX centuries serfs’complations of hard life. Nobility tried to hide problem of class struggle in texts about Ukraine so preferred lyric and joy motives. Although in some sources are preserved some

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