Symbolism and Meaning of the Tree of Life in Ukrainian Culture

Symbolism and Meaning of the Tree of Life in Ukrainian Culture

The Ukrainian people believe in symbolism and metaphors, they have been an integral part of our nation since ancient times;

The tree of life has become one of the symbols that is widely used on Easter eggs, embroidered shirts, towels, etc. The significance of the tree of life is that it reflects the worldview of our ancestors, it is a paradise, a bridge between worlds, where everything and everyone is in their right place. It was believed that the tree of life resists chaos and is also the personification of the origin of all living things;

Historical roots of the symbolism of the tree of life

The tree is a universal and pervasive symbol of the worldview of many peoples. It found its supporters in many countries many years ago. The symbol of the tree of life has been an integral part of the culture of Europe, the Middle East, India, Africa, North America, and Australia;

About 5 thousand years ago, the Egyptians placed the tree of life ornament on the walls of Luxor.

Thus, gradually, through the centuries, this symbolism found a response among the Ukrainian people not only in everyday and traditional rituals, but also in religious beliefs, mysticism and cosmogonic ideas about the universe.

Our ancestors believed that the tree of life symbolizes not only the hierarchy of the universe, but also a demonstration of the inner world of man as a battlefield between good and evil;

The tree of life in folk rituals

Ukrainian symbolism of the tree of life can be found in many rituals and works of art. An interesting fact is that almost all cultural and traditional works of art of the Ukrainian people are directly related to traditional household and religious rituals. For example, embroidery is a garment that our people have always attached great importance to. We see it as a talisman, a symbol of masculinity or a symbol of happy fate and belonging to the Ukrainian family;

It is not surprising that the tree of life, as a symbol of the creation of the world, is reflected in folk rituals and has become an integral part of folklore, towels, embroideries, hut decorations and Easter eggs.

In Ukrainian carols the tree of life stands on water, the primordial element, and doves are placed on it, thinking about how to create the world. A little later, the tree becomes the home of God, later it is already a symbol of the family type (Kupala or wedding tree, on the Trinity). This suggests that it is no longer about the world structure, but more about the history of the family and its rituals.

Easter eggs with the ornament of the tree of life reflects life, the earth and the heavenly world, on which the stars and various planets wander.

Rushnik is a symbol of the idea of our universe, of the world structure, the connection of ages and families of the Ukrainian people. Often it was exactly what the tree of life symbolizes on Ukrainian embroideries.

Usually, the tree of life is always blooming, all flowers are different in size and shape, splendor and color scheme. Some flowers are small, those that have just blossomed, and there are those that are already blooming. The Ukrainian people saw this as a symbol of our life, because those flowers, just like the life of each person, is different and is at one or another stage of existence.

buds were often depicted, which were located at the top of the tree, they symbolized future generations, as well as filling them with energy for birth and transition to another awareness. This ethnic energy was depicted in the form of halos near the buds.

Fruit is a symbol on the tree of life that represents the past, human actions and achievements that have influenced development and modern life. At the very top you can see a single flower, here it symbolizes the "Fire of Life" and is guarded by two angels or birds.

The image of birds on the tree of life could have different meanings, depending on the location of this symbol: at the bottom (near the trunk) - birds create the world and protect it from evil spirits , above - are the guides of the world, they spread it to the people and life. The symbol of the bird is the personification of the Sun Deity, the Protector and Creator;

Symbolism of the tree of life in embroidery

Embroidery of the tree of life occupied a special and most important place among other symbols. The whole world falls on the canvas, the roots of the tree reach into the ancient past and the origins of everything existing and non-existent, giving strength to the strong trunk that symbolizes the Universe. The upper crown with flowers and buds stretching upwards represents the future;

The tree unites the past, present and future of the world, being beyond space and time. It is the Universe itself. The tree is divided into three worlds, but at the same time shows the duality of our world, the struggle between the material and spiritual components;

The intertwining branches of the embroidered tree of life show the main essence of life and the different paths of the universe. The trunk, which is a simple structure, symbolizes the past, which is already clear and defined for the Ukrainian people. The flowerpot fr om which this symbol sprouts demonstrates the Tree of Genesis, wh ere a small branch eventually creates the tree of life;

The Tree of Life as an important symbol of Ukrainian culture

The embroidery of the tree of life, its ornaments and drawings can be found on many items of Ukrainian ethnic culture. Our people saw it as a true symbol of our culture, which is a cultural component to this day;

For Ukrainians, the tree of life demonstrates the realities of human existence, combining the universe, the tribal community, and is a symbol of man as a kind of battlefield between good and evil. This important element of Ukrainian culture represents the highest level of wisdom and the connection of the worlds, heaven and earth, the interaction of people and Gods.

The tree of life is the true axis of the universe!

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